Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Unit 8, Skylight

Monday, July 23, 2007

Unit 8, Power To Upstairs Apartment

Power conduit runs to attic to power upstairs apartment, including cooking range.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Unit 12, Fences

Fence gate was not in original building plans. Gate was added without handle access on street side.

Rear partition fence between units 11 and 12 was extended to nearly the back of the lot. The passage is narrow, and is blocked by a chain link fence-type gate that doesn't swing. This gate is held in place by a chicken wire attachment and a large rock.

Unit 6, Side Wire Fence

Unit 7, Dog House And Chain Link Fence

Dog house and chain link fence on common property, covered by wood sheet.

Trash cans, side fence without latch, light fixture.