Sunday, March 9, 2008

Unit 10, Collapsed Fence

1. Fences, walls and structures regulated by this Article shall be maintained in a safe manner perpendicular to the ground. Should a fence or wall lean or sag more than 20º to either side, perpendicular to the ground, it shall be considered to be a nuisance or a hazard as defined in and regulated by the Lakewood Municipal Code and must be removed or repaired. See Figure 8-3.
2. Fences and walls no longer maintained in a safe manner and/or which create a hazard through neglect, lack of repair, manner of construction, method of placement, or otherwise, shall be repaired, replaced or removed by the property owner. Examples of lack of maintenance shall include, but are not limited to, protruding or exposed wire, missing and/or protruding pickets, sagging or leaning more than 20º to either side, extending into a traveled walkway or creating a hazard for a pedestrian or motor vehicle.

April 2008. A new fence was constructed, length is 83".